Report Options
Our Experts specialise in providing detailed and thoroughly researched Expert Witness Reports compliant with the applicable Expert Witness Code of Conduct and Court Rules.
​Our Fees are based on an assessment of the complexity of a matter taking into consideration the:
Complexity of research and analysis to determine liability
Scope of expertise required
Volume or scarcity of evidence provided
The length and complexity of interviews to be undertaken
The number of parties involved
Complexity of research involved in identifying parties following evidentiary review
Requirement to comment upon or respond to additional or counter Expert Witness Reports
Preliminary Advice
Our Experts can undertake a preliminary review of evidence and assessment of the circumstances of an incident to assist the instructing firm in:
Identifying the reasonable prospects of a matter
Understanding background information in a particular area of expertise or the circumstances of an incident
Identifying documents required to be subpoenaed
Obtaining this preliminary advice prior to commencing proceedings could assist you in obtaining the correct evidence and factual matters at the start, preventing avoidable delays, and ensuring that the Expert Witness Report can be provided in advance of Court schedules.
Expert Witness Reports (Standard/Complex)
Upon receiving a letter of instruction, our Experts review evidentiary material provided and undertake interviews to identify key factual matters. Additional documents to be subpoenaed may be requested.
Incident location inspections or inspections of defective plant are undertaken where available in order to collect evidence and undertake testing. Our Experts have a range of technical calibrated equipment to collect evidence including but not limited to Pendulum slip test machines and electronic lux meters to test light lux levels.
Our Experts apply a methodical and investigative approach to reports to assess all relevant work health and safety legislation, Australian and international standards, and regulatory documents produced by state safety regulators applicable to a matter, including but not limited to codes of practice, building codes and guidelines.
​Our Experts provide a thorough and detailed factual account of the incident, apply technical/root cause analysis to identify causal and contributory factors, assign liability based on duty of care principles, and identify practical risk control measures to eliminate or minimise the risk of injury.
The Expert Witness Reports cover and assess mechanisms and causes of injury, systems of work, risk management principles, training and supervision, state of knowledge, technical systems and procedures, Work Health and Safety Management Systems (WHSMS), and matter specific content.
Joint Expert Witness Reports / Conclave
Our Experts have experience participating in Court ordered Conclaves and the preparation of Joint Expert Witness Reports.
We have a dedicated in-house legal administration team who are experienced in working with independent scribes, mediators, and other Experts throughout the preparation of the report.
Where required, our administration team can also provide scribing services for Conclaves and joint reports and facilitate the preparation of the joint report from initial collation to final approval by all participating Experts, signing and on-forwarding to all instructing parties.
Instructing the Expert - Joint Expert Witness Reports/Conclave
Slip Test Reports
Our Experts can undertake slip tests of surfaces to evaluate the slip resistance using calibrated British Pendulum Testers (Munro and Wessex) to Australian Standards AS4586, AS4663 and HB198.
SAFEgroup does not provide slip test raw data reports. A slip test will be undertaken where appropriate for a particular matter and the results of the slip test will be incorporated into the provision of the Expert Witness Report.