Expert Opinion and
Risk & Safety Services
Specialising in legal expert witness reports, risk assessments, incident investigations, pre-certification audits and developing risk and safety solutions.
About Us
Our Expert Report team have been preparing Expert Witness Reports for over 35 years, assessing liability and negligence, and providing risk-based practical preventative measures.​
Our Experts specialise in:
Workplace Incidents
Public Liability
Risk Management
Systems of Work
Confined Spaces
Mining ( Surface & Underground)
Manual Handling
Aged Care Facilities
Traffic Management
Slips, Trips, Missteps, Falls
Work at Height and Falls from Height
Load Restraint Failures
Plant Failure , Catastrophic, Entrapment, Isolation & Guarding
Mobile Plant (Heavy Vehicles, Forklifts, Earthmoving & Cranes)
Electrical Incidents
Agricultural Incidents
Emergency Services
Physical and Psychological Injuries from Critical Incident Exposure, Bullying and Harassment, & Assault
Our Experts apply a methodical and investigative approach to Expert Reports to assess all relevant work health and safety legislation, Australian and international standards, codes of practice, building codes, industry guidelines and documents produced by state safety regulators applicable to a matter.​
We also have a dedicated in-house legal administration team to eliminate the need for third party fees and reduce the financial burden on your client.
Our Risk & Safety team has worked with various multinational, national and local organisations in the public and private sector and accrued over 35 years' experience specialising in risk assessments, audits and investigations and provide proactive workplace risk-based solutions across the following industries and specialties:
Mining and Resources
Metals Processing
Power and Food Sectors
Fall Prevention (Work at Heights)
Electrical Systems
Mechanical Engineering
Transportation (Road and Rail)
Health Care
Confined Spaces
Hazardous Chemicals
Hazardous Manual Tasks
Traffic Management