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Risk & Safety Services

Risk & Safety

Select the following headings to learn more about the risk and safety services our expert team can apply to your business.

  • WHS Management Systems
    Our safety team have the relevant industry experience to apply appropriate WHS solutions to your business. SAFEgroup is able to provide expert WHS management system assistance including: Strategic board advice Safety leadership mentoring to develop an effective safety culture across the whole business System definition, development and documentation Consulting with stakeholders to develop standards, procedures and SWMS Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Management Plans Rollout and implementation of new and revised systems Safety Case Studies Major Project Tender Submissions Methodology and Tools SAFE Project Management Electrical Engineering Management Plans (EEMP) Mechanical Engineering Management Plans (MEMP) Safety Case for Major Hazard Facilities Systems Review/Auditing Engineering Systems Development Safety Integrity Level Determination/Verification SAFEgroup can develop integrated (WHS, Environment & Quality) management systems to comply with: WHS Legislation, Regulations & COPs AS 4801 & AS4804, BS OHSAS 18001 AS/NZS ISO 14001 AS/NZS ISO 9001 SAFEgroup can conduct pre-certification audits and facilitate the certification process for all the above standards.
  • High Risk Tasks
    SAFEgroup is able to assess and develop safe systems of work for the following: Confined Spaces Fall Prevention (work at heights) Electrical systems and work Hazardous Chemicals Hazardous Manual Tasks Traffic Management
  • Risk Engineering
    The best form of insurance is carefully planned avoidance. SAFEgroup can enable designers, manufacturers, suppliers, importers, constructors and operators to meet all of their WHS obligations throughout the life cycle of the plant and structures, including: Designer’s risk assessment HAZOP DFMEA Safety file development Safety Integrity target determination Implementation and close out of risk treatments Classification of hazardous areas (explosive atmospheres) and installation dossiers Storage & handling of hazardous chemicals & dangerous goods Risk assessments compliant with AS/NZS ISO 31000 and MDG1010 tailored to meet each client’s corporate risk management requirements which include the following: Broad Brush RIsk Assessments (BBRA) including corporate and project Development of Risk Based Solutions that Comply with the requirements of Harmonised Legislation including the Model Work Health and Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice Risk Management Plans Providing exceptional engineers with proven expertise and demonstrated technical competence in enabling client to meet critical goals that impact their bottom line Development and Implementation of risk management strategies Business Interruption Planning Intelligent Solutions for Risk Management Project Design Risk Assessments (DRA) Plant and structures Machine guarding Mobile plant assessments (MDG15) Drill rig assessments At SAFEgroup, we specialise in the identification, assessment, and either control or reduction in a whole range of risks in a wide variety of manufacturing, process, health and resource industries. SAFEgroup provide a comprehensive value added service, which encompasses: Development of Whole of Business Risk Management Plans and Broad Brush Risk Assessments Development of site risk profiles and hazard identifications in accordance with ISO31000 SAFEgroup Design and SAFEty in Design assessments for major Projects Electrical Safety & Compliance audits to AS 3000 and AS 3007 Development of Explosion protection strategies systems audits and training Development of Electrical Safety Management Systems Provision of machine guarding audits, system analysis, and safety systems to AS 4024 Auditing of Conveyor Safety compliance to AS 1755 and other relevant industry standards Provision of machine Isolation audits and Isolation verification audits Development and analysis of Catastrophic Failure Routes Quantitative and Qualitative Risk Assessments Structured Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies in both process and electronic systems Machine Safety analysis and PLC safety systems assessment Development of site based risk assessment and HAZOP awareness training Hazard Study leadership and analysis techniques Development of Emergency Response plans and the development of integrated emergency procedures. SAFEgroup can assist you to manage, understand, and minimise the technical risks associated with your plant or process, from initial conceptual design, through its life cycle to demolition. SAFEgroup can advise you on how to incorporate technical safety controls and protective systems into new plants to improve the safety of existing operations, both mechanical and electrical, and ensure the proper management of residual risks.
  • Engineering Systems Development
    SAFEgroup’s approach to engineering systems development is a professional one. We are experienced and dedicated Safety, Electrical and Mechanical engineers who specialise in the development of integrated management systems that comprise both engineering and organisational standards with a structure that fully complies with the various Australian Standards, Work, Health and Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice. We are not a company dabbling in engineering and safety on the side, but a company dedicated to the provision of world class engineered safety solutions for the benefit of our clients. Each of our consultants has chosen Safety Engineering as a career and has a proven track record of success. Your Engineering and Safety infrastructure represents a major investment, and also liability should it fail – getting it right should be your primary concern.
  • Compliance Audits
    SAFEgroup is a Tri Certified organisation with lead auditors accredited in WHS, Environment and Quality. We can provide audits for: WHS Act & Regulations 2011 Corporate requirements Health & safety AS 4801 & AS4804, BS OHSAS 18001 Environment to AS/NZS ISO 14001 Quality to AS/NZS ISO 9001 Chain of Responsibility legislation Self-insurance. Machine Guarding Audits, System Analysis We are able to conduct hygiene surveys for respirable and inhalable dusts in line with AS 2985: Workplace Atmospheres - Method for Sampling and Gravimetric Determination of Respirable Dust.
  • Training
    SAFEgroup delivers tailored risk and safety training, targeted to your business, employees and work environments. SAFEgroup can develop and deliver training in: WHS obligations for workers, supervisors and officers Health and Safety Representative (HSR) 5 Day Training Course (WorkCover NSW Approved) Chain of Responsibility obligations Hazard identification, risk assessment and control Task specific risk management tools (TAKE5, JSEA) Hazardous Chemicals obligations Alcohol and other drugs awareness Low voltage rescue. Electrical Safety Awareness Training Emergency management Safety leadership mentoring including: Strategic Board advice Role Clarity and obligations for workplace leaders Leadership mentoring at all levels Cultural and Behavioural Change Team leadership and support Operational effectiveness Help “See” safety
  • Emergency Management
    Our emergency management services will ensure your workers and visitors are safe and prepared in the event of an emergency. SAFEgroup can assist you in all facets of emergency management including: Development of emergency management plans Emergency preparedness assessment of sites and systems Development and risk assessment of emergency response training scenarios to comply with WHS requirements Development and assessment of specific event emergency rescue plans (e.g. rescue from heights, electric shock) Facilitation of emergency scenario training and workshops. Emergency Procedures, Disaster Recovery & Business Interruption Planning SAFEgroup has expertise in Emergency procedures development, Crisis management plan, Recovery Planning and the formulation of Crisis Recovery Procedures. The platform that has been developed by SAFEgroup includes such critical issues as: Availability and analysis of systems, including test criteria Development of comprehensive emergency response procedures for businesses Development of comprehensive assessments and management audit trails Testing of emergency scenarios Confidentiality, including documentation security Resources to assist in the event that a crisis and to expedite your business recovery SAFEgroup can develop a fully compliant and tested Crisis/Disaster Recovery Program that will cover serious injury notifications/fatalities, business interruption due to storm or natural disaster, fire/explosion, aircraft emergency and marine emergency.
  • On-site Experts
    We have the specialists to fill the temporary gaps in your workforce. SAFEgroup provide experienced and competent safety, quality and risk personnel for temporary onsite positions in coal mining and other industries including: WHS manager/advisor Quality manager Control room operator Emergency coordinator Compliance manager Internal auditor Risk manager/advisor WHS trainer
  • Investigations
    As an external, qualified WHS investigator, SAFEgroup will ensure that incidient investigations are conducted professionally, thoroughly and independently. If the unexpected does occur SAFEgroup can provide on your site, within 24 hours, an experienced investigation team which can: Plan and lead the investigation process Liaise with your legal advisors to meet their requirements Prepare legally privileged investigation report Investigation methodologies include: ICAM SSAI Tap Root RCA, FTA, ETA, FMEA & FMECA.
  • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Services
    Analysis and assessment of Safety Integrity and Functional Requirements of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) which are the last layer of defence against critical safety, environmental and economic losses. SAFEgroup’s team of industry certified Functional Safety Engineers have the skills and experience needed to guide your company through the Safety Lifecycle, ensuring compliance to IEC61508 and adherence to industry best practice. Compliance with IEC61508 gives you peace of mind that a rigorous process has been followed, covering all aspects of SIS design, installation, operation, maintenance and de-commissioning. Solution What is the Safety Lifecycle? The Safety Lifecycle defines the activities that need to occur at each stage of the design of the SIS. This includes: Hazard Identification is carried out using established techniques such as Hazop and Hazid. The output is then screened and carried forward to Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assignment. SIL Assignment: A multi-disciplinary team of Design, Instrument and Electrical Engineers, Maintenance Technicians, Operations and Management review each identified hazard and assign a target SIL for each Hazard. An approved technique is used, as defined in IEC61508, such as the powerful Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), semi-quantitative or calibrated risk graph. Safety Requirements Specification (SRS): A critical part of the lifecycle, the SRS defines all of the requirements and special considerations for each Safety Instrumented Function (SIF).The SRS is developed in conjunction with the System Designers, Operations and Management. This document is an important validation tool for the installed SIS, allowing identification of deviations from the agreed system to be identified and reviewed. SIL Verification involves conducting hardware probability of failure calculations to ensure that the probability of failure of each overall SIF loop achieves the minimum requirements, as defined by the target SIL. SIS performance analysis also incorporates assessment of other SIS design parameters, including Hardware Fault Tolerance (HFT), Common Cause Failures (CCF) and Critical Function Testing (CFT) requirements. What are the key benefits? The benefits of a SIL assessment include: Leading practice approach to process safety engineering and process hazard risk management for all safety instrumented systems Compliance with IEC61508 and 61511 standards Rigorous approach ensures all hazards are managed according to defined procedure Peace of mind that your system has been developed in accordance with years of experience from the world’s leading safety experts Why Choose SAFEgroup? Recognition. SAFEgroup is an industry leader specialising in conformity assessment services related to Quality, Health, Safety & Environment (QHSE). SAFEgroup is well known for its ability to adapt to changing client environments and situations and for its commitment to providing leading solutions through quality service. Knowledge & Expertise. Through expert local teams and technical knowledge, SAFEgroup are able to deliver packaged and targeted solutions and information, to support our clients’ unique business requirements. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions Does SAFEgroup have experience in different SIL assignment methodologies? Yes, our facilitators are experienced in many different approved techniques, including Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), semi-quantitative or calibrated risk graph. Can SAFEgroup assist with other aspects of the Functional Safety Lifecycle? Yes, our group of experienced Risk Engineers can help with all SIL-related questions and investigations, including Functional Safety Management Plans (FSMP), SRS development and specialist SIS design and implementation decision support. Can SAFEgroup provide SIL Verification services? Yes, we use approved quantitative techniques such as Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) and our own research information package to model the process and determine the probability to fail on demand of each SIL rated SIF. What industry sectors are SIL assessments used for? All sectors. Onshore, Offshore, Refining, Mining, Chemicals and Power Generation are all applicable to the SIL standards. The IEC 61508 is an umbrella standard covering all sectors. Standards such as IEC 61511 have been extracted from 61508 and specifically modified for the process industry. SAFEgroup can even assist clients with certification of equipment for use in safety-related systems with an appropriate SIL. Can you advise us what types of hazard study and risk assessment are required for our project and our location? Yes, SAFEgroup can advise on legislative requirements, changes and good practice compliance in most parts of the world.
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